In July Honor Oak Community Centre ran a season of inter-generational techy tea clubs. It was organised by Catbytes and 60-Up CICs. Christina Israel, the director of 60 Up, calls this session HIP, standing for Honor Oak Intergenerational Project.
The clubs brought young and old together with the aim of improving our understanding of the internet over tea, coffee and biscuits.
The older attendees of the sessions learned more about how to surf the internet and use email.
The younger people gained understanding of the difficulties that older people experience using the internet.
On the final session we all got on Skype and had a video conference which was slightly screechy due to the fact we were all in the same room. We are hoping to run more sessions at Honor Oak Community centre in the near future.
The clubs were provided free of charge to all attendees, and were a great use of Honor Oak’s new ICT suite. Especial thanks to the fantastic young people who gave up their holiday time for the older folks!